OK..... here's how to run my games. Download the All Gameplay Need file in the downloads section. Download all of the files in that game's section. When downloads are completed, unzip the files. If you don't have Winzip then u can get an evaluation of it at www.winzip.com. Once the files are unzipped, run the gfshw32.exe installation program. Once the installation is finished, run The Games Factory (TGF). Once in TGF go to File, Open, & search for where you saved the game that you previously downloaded & unzipped. The file is called *name of game*.gam. Open the file wait for it to be loaded into TGF. Once loaded into TGF, go to File, Save or Save as & save game on your Desktop with the same name. Once saved onto Desktop, exit TGF & then go to your Desktop. Double-Click on the *name of game*.gam file that is now saved to your Desktop. The game will then start. It will take time that varies from a little bit to a lot varying on your computer's space, memory, & RAM. Once the game is loaded you may now start the game. *Note* The rest of the Instructions are for my 1st Game on the Site: Super Sonic Adventure (SSA) Use the arrows to go through the parts of the game available. When you have picked where you want to go when the place appears on the screen in text press the GO!!! button. I suggest training to be your 1st place to GO!!! After training go back to the menu screen & start a new game. When loading a game you will come to a black screen. Type in the passwords you see in the levels where u can die. Type those passwords in to hace access to them again. *Note* The letters will not pop-up on the screen. Now that you know what to do you may now follow these steps & play the game! GOOD LUCK & ENTER MY CONTEST!